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Provider Experience Survey for Mental Health and Addictions

Welcome to the WTOHT Mental Health and Addictions Survey. The Mental Health and Addictions Working Group (WG) was set up in mid-2020 to ensure that Mental Health and Addictions services are available and equitably meet the needs of residents in West Toronto Ontario Health Team (OHT). The WG is currently undertaking a test of change in South Parkdale to streamline access to patients/clients with mild to moderate mental health and addictions needs.  

This survey is intended for those who have provided services to client(s) or caregiver(s) referred to you through West Community Connect. 

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate your feedback and input. We thank you in advance.  


How often do you know if your patients/clients have visited the ED for help with mental health and/or addictions?  


How often are you aware of the reason for the ED visit? 


How often do you know if your patients/clients with mental health and/or addictions have visited other healthcare providers (e.g. physicians, Detox, counselling)?


For the patients/clients with moderate needs of mental health and/or addictions referred to you by another provider, how often do you receive the information you need from the other provider? 


Typically, do you know what happens after you send a referral for your patients/clients? 


Based on the previous question, how important is that to you? 


Typically, do your patient/clients receive services in a reasonable timeframe once you made a referral?  


How often are you able to refer patients/clients with moderate needs of mental health and/or addictions through an electronic information system (Electronic Medical Records (EMR), West Community Connect and/or others? 


Approximately how many patients/clients in your caseload would be categorized as having  moderate needs of mental health and/or addictions? 


Which of the following describes your work/care setting within your OHT? (Select all that apply).