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Provider Survey for Frail Seniors

Welcome to the West Toronto OHT Provider Survey for Frail Seniors. The West Toronto Frail Seniors Working Group was set up in 2019 to ensure that seniors’ services are available and equitably meet the needs of residents in West Toronto Ontario Health Team (OHT). The WG is currently undertaking a test of change in Mimico to streamline access to rising risk seniors, that is those who often have one or several chronic conditions or risk factors, and who move in and out of stability with their conditions. 


This survey is intended for those who have provided services to client(s) or caregiver(s) referred to you through West Community Connect. 

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate your feedback and input. We thank you in advance.  


When your patients/clients have an Emergency Room visit, how often do you know that they have gone to their emergency visit? 


How often are you aware of the reason for the ED visit? 


When your patients/clients are admitted to the hospital, how often do you know whether they have been admitted? (e.g. for physicians, other senior services)?


How often are you aware of the reason for the hospital admission? 


How often do you know about all the visits that your patients/clients make to other healthcare providers (including physicians and other care providers)?  


Based on the previous question, how important is that for you to know? 


For the patients/clients referred to you by another provider, how often do you receive the information you need? 


How often do you receive timely AND accurate information that you need to deliver care (e.g. from other providers, hospitals)? 


After your patient/client has seen other providers, how often do you talk with the patient or family members about the care recommendations from other providers, if appropriate? 


How often is patient/client care well-coordinated with community services such as support groups, food banks, shelters? 


How often do you rely on electronic information systems (e.g., Meditech, Ocean, etc.) to share patient/client information with external providers? 


How often do you rely on electronic information systems (e.g., Meditech, Ocean, etc.) to share patient/client information internally in your organization


Approximately how many patients/clients in your caseload would be categorized as rising risk seniors?


Do you know what community resources are available to refer patients/clients?  


Which of the following describes your work/care setting within your OHT? (Select all that apply).