Database of Doctors with Special Interests/Focused Practice
Good afternoon West End Doctors!
Family Medicine is an amazing speciality because we can design our practice around our skills and areas of interest. It would be great to come together as family physicians to promote ourselves and our talents amongst each other and our patients. I would love to see a database of family doctors who I could refer my patients to in the community!
Do you have a special interest in something? Please post it!
Ex. ingrown toenail procedures, steroid injections, IUD insertions, cosmetic dermatology, lumps & bumps, travel medicine, contraception management, nutrition, mental health etc.
Do you have a GP Focused Practice Designation? Tell us!
Ex: Women's Health & Obstetrics, Sports Medicine, Allergists, Pain Management, Sleep Medicine, Addiction Medicine, GP Psychotherapy etc.
Do you have a Certificate of Added Competence? Let us know!
Ex. Palliative Care, Sport and Exercise Medicine, Addiction Medicine, Care of the Elderly etc.